Welcome to the home for information about creating the Femedtech Quilt of Care and Justice in Open Education. This page has a shortlink http://bit.ly/FemEdTechQuilt and can be promoted on Twitter via hashtag #FemedtechQuilt, including #OER20 as appropriate.


#FemEdTechQuilt – Getting There

Cross-posted from Frances Bell’s blog The FemEdTech Quilt project has been an amazing project and we are not there yet – we have to get not one, but…

a stack of trimmed quilt blocks ready for sewing

It’s all starting to come together

Over the last couple of months a steady stream of quilt blocks have been arriving in Macclesfield at Frances Bell’s home, along with a steady stream of photos…

Gettin' Air podcast logo

FemEdTech Quilt Featured on Gettin’ Air Podcast

Listen to Frances Bell and Anne-Marie Scott talk with Terry Greene about the quilt project, ALT, OER20 and more on this special episode of the Gettin’ Air podcast….


Call for short voxpop videos on #FemEdTechQuilt process

This call is aimed at people who have contributed squares or fabric to the FemEdTech Quilt of Care and Justice. The Digital Media Unit at the Centre for…